
Return to Dr Barnardo's

10th March 2024

I didn’t expect my brief trip to Exeter to hit me with such an emotional sucker punch.

Going back to the place that I spent the four happiest years of my childhood in a Dr Barnardo’s home called The Quarries.

I walked from the centre of town acros…

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Those Empty Nest Blues

By Sara Asgard: posted 20th June 2023 

I am musing today about the way empty nest syndrome comes in waves at unexpected times, you have those acute times when you wonder just what the point is anymore, especially if you are a single parent empty nester, and don't…

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Hospitality : Get Rich or Go Broke Dying

By Zak Asgard - Posted 20th February 2023

A manager of mine, on the eve of my parting, once said, ‘All hospitality jobs are the same. They’re all crap. Every place has its problems. You will never, ever, ever find a place that doesn’t have its issues. But I hope …

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The Lioness Workshop

Posted on 20th October 2022

I am looking forward to running the second Lioness workshop in Totnes - the little town that punches above its weight! This workshop is for the empty- nester's , those whose kids have left home to go to University or moved away for wo…

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Benefits of Improving Your Sales Skills

Posted on 20th August 2022

  • Do your research and preparation.
  • Know your product to build your confidence.
  • Ask the best intelligent questions.
  • Understand the benefits of your product or service for your customers.
  • Be prepared to push the pain button.
  • Do not be afraid to…
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9 Skills You Need to Succeed in Business

Posted on May 13th, 2022

Whether you fancy yourself as the next big thing in business, are looking to boost your career, or want to start a new venture - in this post, you’ll find the skills you need for succeeding in business

1. Goal-setting

Let’s start with the …

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