Letting Go/Wise Lioness Workshops

Letting Go/Wise Lioness Workshops


Letting go is a workshop that can be taken online or in face to face groups. This course is for those parents who feel such a loss when the kids have grown and flown. It can be so painful letting go. Questions like, Now What? Who am I ? What do I do now? There is grief, loss, conflicting emotions around feelings of emptiness, for some parents particularly older single parents it can be acute. This workshop helps us work through these feelings to come out the other side, with a renewed zest for life. Time to put yourself first again! One day Workshop.

  • Owning the feelings of loss, loneliness, resentment and heartbreak, "What do I do Now"?
  • Starting again, stepping back, self-love, finding meaning, "I count".
  • Get confident "I can handle this" "I can be strong"
  • Learn How to roar (even quietly)
  • Enjoy being a mum, even from a distance!

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